Land Preparation
Well-leveled field.
A well-leveled field is a pre-requisite to good crop growth and management. It helps achieve the following:
- efficient water management
- less weed incidence
- better snail management
- efficient nutrient utilization
- uniform crop growth and maturity
- efficient use of farm machinery
To achieve a well-leveled field, weeds, rice straw, and stubbles must be thoroughly decomposed and land is well-puddled. A poorly prepared field could yield 5% less.
No high and low soil spots after final leveling:
- no portion has deeper than 5cm water (≈ thumb length)
- no mound of soil can be seen above the 5cm water surface after final leveling
1. Clean and repair dikes and ditches.
- Clean dikes help prevent or reduce pest infestation.
- Compacted dikes prevent seepage.
- Dikes maintained at 15cm high x 20cm wide discourage rat-burrowing.
- Clean ditches ensure water efficiency and facilitate drainage.
2. Plow or rotovate field 21 – 30 days before planting to:
- allot time for the germination of weeds and drop seeds
- incorporate weeds, rice straw, and stubbles in the soil to allow time for decomposition
- apply organic fertilizers to increase the population of beneficial microbials in the soil. This will help hasten the full decomposition of plant residues, otherwise the soil turns acidic and some nutrients become less available
3. Harrow the field every 7 days after plowing. The first harrowing is along the plowing pattern; the second or initial leveling is crosswise. This will:
- break the clods
- incorporate stubbles in the soil
- allow weed seeds and drop seeds to germinate
- help reduce initial pest population
- maintain the soil’s hard pan
4. Final-harrow and level the field using a wooden plank or tiller-attached leveler. Water depth must be 5cm to ease field-leveling.
5. For DWSR, construct small canals (25cm wide and 5cm deep) surrounding the field near the dikes and at the middle of the field to:
- provide path for excess water
- facilitate collection of snails and field operations (i.e. replanting, weeding)
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