Keycheck7 Pest Management

Armyworm and Cutworm

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Tagalog names: arabas, harabas, tagustos Identifying marks: The adult moth has dark purplish brown forewings with numerous spots and light-colored lines. The hind wings are whitish, narrowly banded along the outer margin. The wingspan is about 30 mm. Larvae are soil-dwelling or hide underground to avoid predation by birds. They become active at night and […]

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Beneficial Organisms 1

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

CRICKET Tagalog name: itim na kagaykay, kantitit Food: Eggs of striped stem borers, dark-headed stem borers, leaffolders, armyworms, whorl maggots, and nymphs of planthoppers and leafhoppers. LONG-HORNED GRASSHOPPER Tagalog name: tipaklong sa kaparangan Identifying marks: Adults and nymphs are green and aerial-borne. Antennae are longer than the body. The female ovipositor is frequently very long […]

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Beneficial Organisms 2

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

1. MIRID Tagalog name: berdeng atangya Identifying marks: Adults are green with long folded wings and long antennae. Nymphs are also green, with long antennae, but with short wings. They have black spot on their back. They are usually seen at the base part of rice tillers where planthoppers and leafhoppers are also located. Their […]

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Bacterial Blight (BB)

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Bacterial blight is prevalent in the tropics in both rainfed and irrigated conditions particularly during wet season. This bacterial disease causes reduction in photosynthetic area, reduction in 1000 grain weight, empty grains, and 20-50% reported yield loss. Local name: nauga nga dahon, nalata nga tanum (Cebuano) nadurot nga tanum (Waray) naggapula (Ilonggo) Causal organism: Xanthomonas […]

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Bacterial leaf streak

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Disease development and severity is favored by: 1. Excessive nitrogen fertilization; 2. Injured leaves; and 3. High humidity, rain Management Use resistant varieties Balanced fertilization Reduce seedling damage Maintain shallow water in nurseries. Provide good drainage when there is flooding Keep fields clean Dry the fields. Allow fallow period to kill the bacteria Chemical control […]

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Rice Blast

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Blast is a fungal disease of rice that is found in both upland and lowland environments. Water scarcity with high night humidity and low night temperature favors the development of this disease. The fungus is both airborne and seed-borne. It can infect and produce lesions on most of the shoot including the leaves, leaf collar, […]

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Sheath Blight

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Causal organism: Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA Symptoms on leaf sheaths : oval gray spots that later enlarge; with black brown margins and gray center Susceptible stage: tillering to heading Symptoms on leaves: lesions are irregular, banded with green-brown coloration; center is grayish white; leaf whitens; panicle exertion affected when flag leaf is infected Susceptible stages: heading […]

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Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

How is tungro disease initiated in the field? Green leafhoppers (GLH) that have acquired the viruses (rice tungro bacilliform virus or RTBV and rice tungro sperical virus or RTSV) after feeding on infected plants, stubbles or volunteer rice in nearby fields Infected seedlings transplanted in the field New growth from infected stubbles not effectively plowed […]

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Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Common names: bulati, kolang (Ifugao) Identifying marks: It is a thin, long, slimy worm with numerous similar segments on its body. These are usually red or brown in color; abundant on the rice beds and in non-flooded rice fields. Where to find: Rice terraces in Ifugao, Abra, Kalinga, Apayao, and Benguet Damage: These organisms tunnel […]

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Weed Management

Keycheck7 Pest Management
Palaycheck - Pest Management

Herbicide Resistance Herbicides There is a wide range of herbicides available. 228 brands marketed by 58 companies in the Philippines 110 brands are used for rice Continuous use of the same herbicide in the same piece of land kills the susceptible weed species but allow tolerant ones to proliferate (weed shifts). Depending on the type […]

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